
In order to better promote future development of BCI technology, this contest in 2021 will continue to set up BCI system control concept and algorithm concept. In view of the rapid development of Emotional BCI in recent years and its great application potential in the future, the algorithm concept will increase Emotional BCI perspective question. In addition, the 2021 contest will also organize BCI system thesis defense and excellent achievements demonstration. The aim of contest is to improve BCI technology in accuracy, speed and practicability, in order to be better applied in multiple fields, such as elderly care and rehabilitation etc. By the contest, we hope that BCI technology can satisfied people's diversified livelihood needs in the future while deeply exploring its practical application prospects.

In the contest, BCI system control concept will face to the all who are interested in BCI technology, while the algorithm concept will face to all scientific research institutes, enterprises, institutions and individuals engaged in BCI technology research. Meanwhile, people with disabilities are encouraged to experience and participate in the contest under protection. Noted that their participation will be invited and recommended by relevant medical rehabilitation organizations.

Details of the contest are as follows:

1. Introduction of BCI algorithm concept

The BCI algorithm concept competes in team’s ability of designing and optimizing algorithms, examined by the accuracy and information transfer rate (ITR) of algorithms. In this concept, several BCI system problems will be set up, based on which each team shall design algorithms to solve them. The accuracy and efficiency of algorithm will be mainly examined. The algorithm concept will be divided into trials and final. The data for 2021 contest trials was collected from the BCI system control concept in last year. In the final, all the data used for this concept will be collected from BCI system control concept final in real time, and a real-time rank will base on the calculation results.

The questions of algorithm concept will cover 4 paradigms - SSVEP, ERP, motor imagination, and Emotional BCI. The first 3 paradigms questions are set by "with data set" and "without data set", while Emotional BCI paradigm will only have "with data set" question.

2. Introduction of BCI system control concept

In the perspective of application purpose, the BCI system control concept will focus on contestants' ability of applying BCI technological achievements, while evaluating the overall effectiveness of BCI practical application system and the equipment ability of being controlled. The aim of this concept is to improve accuracy, speed and practicability of BCI system when being used in medical rehabilitation and other application. This concept is trying to take the advantage of contest to meet people's diversified needs of medical treatment, rehabilitation, pension, disability assistance and so on, while accelerating the integrated development of BCI technology and other industries.

The topics of BCI system control concept will mainly cover three paradigms of SSVEP, ERP and motor imagination. 4 main trials will be held in Suzhou, Xian, Qinhuangdao and Beijing respectively. Meantime, the data of middle-aged and elder people will be collected in Tianjin by invited participation. Then the final will be held at the venue of the WRCC.


 (2) Motor imagination

For more information about relevant rules and regulations, please contact the person in charge of the contest by email.

3. Thesis Defense

The thesis defense activity is designed for all research teams engaged in BCI technology. The teams participating in the algorithm concept must submit a thesis as part of their contest materials, while other teams can submit thesis on a voluntarily basis. The theme of the submitted thesis is not limited only if it is relevant with BCI technique application. After the primary selecting, qualified thesis teams can enter the final to defense their thesis, and the expert group will appraise and select out the best thesis.

Detailed information about the thesis defense will be released continuously, if you are interested in this activity, please email us.

4. Outstanding BCI Achievements Exhibition

The outstanding BCI achievements exhibition provide the research teams in this field an area to show their latest research results as well as their latest application achievements. All the teams participating in this area are recommended by expert group or invited by the Secretariat of WRCC Organizing Committee.

The exhibition will be in a designated area. The contents to be exhibited are not limited to the medical application achievements in the BCI field, but also include brain-related medical signal processing technologies, for example: brain-controlled robot arm, brain-controlled wheelchair, brain-controlled VR/AR, brain-controlled games, etc.